Sexy Giantess

Giantesses will completely consume you!

All articles tagged with "Tiny"

This mistress enjoys crushing things. She crushes anything she can lay her hands on. Today she was stepping out when she saw a toy car on her front porch. She did not hesitate to crush and she did not even want to know to whom it belonged to. She just crushed it and made sure there was nothing left of it. Then she went on her way and left the mess there.

Madame Marissa does not like kids or tiny things. She likes to crush them whenever she finds them. Today this giantess found toy cars on a skate park while she was taking a walk. She immediately through the force of habit embarked on crushing them. She used her high heels to crush them and make sure there was nothing left of them but a huge pile of garbage before she went away.

Mistress Celine likes to crush and humiliate guys who mess with her. She likes to shrink them into tiny men and then humiliating them. She knows they become scared and that is why she likes it so much. Today she even had iron fingers and hands and wanted to use them to crush the slave. The giantess also licked the shrunken man and wanted to drown him with her giant tongue.

This slave was being crushed by his mistress, giantess Katelyn. She was pissed off about what he had done and she wanted to punish him. She shrunk him in an effort to humiliate him and punish him. She shrunk him till he was a tiny man then she used her sexy boobs to crush him. What she did not know is that the little man enjoyed being crushed using her heavenly boobs.

Giantess Katelyn is known for her crush fetish. If there is something that brings her untold joy, it is her crush fetish. Today she sat thinking about how to make it better. She even practiced so that when the time came, she would do it like she had never done it before. She got on phone and ordered for a new slave because she wanted to try her new moves on someone new.

This mistress is a sexy giantess. She loves crushing and shrinking things using her butt. Today she had a bitter argument with this loser and when she could not stand him any longer, she decided to humiliate and punish him by crushing him. She crushed him and turned him into a little man. Then she continued making fun of him and teasing him because she was now a giantess and he was a tiny man.

This mistress had somewhere to go but she also needed to punish her slave. So she decided to use her giantess fetish. She crushed the little bastard and made sure he was nothing more than a tiny man. Then she took her time to tease him and make fun of him. She threatened to swallow him whole and then shit him out later to the toilet. It was so much fun for her but none at all for him.

This sexy giantess has a thing for shrinking guys. She likes crushing them and turning them into tiny little men. When you mess with her, that is what she does to you. And she does not bother using heels or shoes. She only uses her bare feet. That is always enough for her. Today she is not crushing anyone. She is just practicing how she will crush and shrink anyone who messes with her.

July likes to sit on things in order to crush them. One of the reasons is that it tickles her butt and makes her feel great. Today she sought to crush a doll and she did not spare it. She had fun sitting on it and crushing it. She made sure that it was shrunken to its limit by the time she was done. Then she threw it away after having her fun.

Mistress Christin came home from work pissed off. Her boss had pissed her off and she could not do anything about it because he was the boss. So she carried her anger home. She found a nice house that her nephew had made with cardboard and she destroyed it with her high heels shoes. She did not care what happened. She just crushed it and within minutes, it was shrunken and lay in a pile of garbage.

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